Thursday, February 12, 2009

Vi Kommer Alltid Att Ha Paris

I was struck by a thought today. That if magnets weren't so prevalent in our civilization, there'd be no maglev trains in Japan, and if there were no maglev trains in Japan, there'd be a lot more noise coming from their tracks ... annoying, high-pitched noise, the kind that makes you go 'mmmm... that's frustrating".

Ok, it's not quite quite as profound as I made it out to be. This post is actually just to mention that I have been busy behind the scenes and will have a couple of announcements soon. Announcements that make you go 'mmmm... that's agreeable".

Jimzip :D

3 thoughts are now mine:

Luke said...

Maybe if there were no maglev trains, the Japanese may have been so annoyed by the noise that they would've invented teleporting. Damn magnets!

Enjoyed the letter and am all safe and sound. Give Oprah my love (she kill me if I fall behind in my love payments). Keeping my fingers crossed for good news on "Front Here". :)

Jimzip said...

Ah! Indeed! Or maybe they'd have spent some time trying to figure out how to stop this ridiculousness:


Jimzip :D

captcha: gammychi

Patrick said...

An announcement? Mmmm...that's agreeable! Although I think you might already be throwing us a few clues... Norwegian... Casablanca... hmmmm... intriguing!

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