Monday, May 29, 2006

The pink potato slipper.

So finally, the time came when James had to move. To say he was a trifle melancholy when the sun rose on Sunday morning was accurate, however, alongside this he was also feeling a profound excitement at the whole situation.
So, he had breakfast, cleaned up around the house, and created a blog entry with a non-sensical title to confuse all those that think he may have actually explained what a pink potato slipper was.

I'm off to buy some linen, towels, sheets, a blanket and pillow now.. I have to get it all before I go to work tonight, because after my shift I'm heading to the flat to sleep.. Good times.
We filmed the second episode of the LLV yesterday too, and thank you to all those that sent in e-mails (even if a couple were from non-existant people ;) ). I will be mentioning some of them in next week's one.
The next entry will be from the new place!!
Cheers all,

Jimzip :D

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Time to move.

So! It's that time again!
Come 15 days from now I'll be vacating the current premises to find new lodgings. (Wow, didn't that sound formal..)

I've just had word that I'll be sharing a basement appartment with two other roomies at the end of this month.
Cool yes? The best part is it's right near the beach. And I mean, two blocks away, so all the better to spend time in the surf as summer rolls around.
Speaking of which, it was magical today, felt like a spring day back home actually. But it reached about 26 degrees, which is really bizarre for this time of year over here. Apparently it's the highest the temperature has gotten on this date for 13 years.. Wow!

Also, news on the LLV. The website has been updated, there's now a release date for the first episode, and the site should be updated once weekly from here on in, so do check back regularly (it helps with our google ranking.. ;) ) and make sure you download the episode once it's released!

Cheers all, and remember; Peace, Love, and Mung Beans!

Jimzip :D

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Oh wow.

Ok! So just a short post today.

I just went and looked at a place to rent. Nice place kinda. Ground level, two roomies, one of them's a carpenter, the other is an artist.. Well by the looks of him he spawned from some madman's dream about a tatoo parlour and a steel works, but I'm sure he's an artist too..
Anyway it was an ok place, and for $500 a month who's complaining? (Actually I'd rather it were free, but..)
Also, and this made my day, on the way to check it out I happened to see Mary McDonnell, who plays President Roslyn on Battlestar Galactica. (Sci Fi Channel) On an afternoon stroll. (It's magnificent here today..)
It took me a moment to recognise her, she was on the other side of the street, but she looked straight at me, and because of the stupid grin on my face she smiled back.. I love Vancouver.. I'm also a geek.. so sue me.

(Special note, Jamie Bamber, who plays Captain Lee Adama on the show also walked past the window of where I'm staying while I was having breakfast one morning a month or so ago.. Thrilling stuff.)

Anyway, I've been a busy little fellow this week, for reasons undisclosed. So this is the end of this entry!

Cheers all!

Jimzip :D

Monday, May 1, 2006

The Lemon Lime vodcast.

April the 30th marks the launch of the Lemon Lime vodcast.
Starting May 2006, join Michelle and James as they present the show from Vancouver Canada to your PC or iPod!

Click on the logo to learn more.
Cheers everyone!

Jimzip :D

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