Tuesday, August 12, 2008


So I opened my inbox this morning - as one is wont to do - to discover I had an email from someone I'd never heard of before! That in itself isn't the interesting part (although she was very pleasant!), the interesting thing about it is that instead of trying to sell me Cat Clothing™ or some bizarre brand of stimulants, it was to let me know that jimzip.com has been featured on the wpdfd!

You can check out the article titled 'Bland and Grand Web Designs' here.
Super happy that I wasn't on the former list! :)

Jimzip :D

2 thoughts are now mine:

Luke said...

Many congrats! What nice news. Plus, that Cat Clothing is crazy overpriced (and quite frankly their winter range is a little too alley cat) so it's doubly good it wasn't from them. :)

Anonymous said...

Good job!

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