Thursday, February 14, 2008

Sweden, Roomies and Valentines Day

Ah, Valentine's Day. The scent of roses fills the air, happiness floods through the streets like an obtrusive teenager's stereo system floods his parents' house with heavy rock music - nobody can ignore it, and retail store owners everywhere grin sneakily as people flock to their shops looking for a last-minute gift to please their sweetheart with.
I am so glad I'm single right now.
Don't get me wrong. I love the idea of Valentine's Day (despite the fact that I knew a guy named Valentine who was, to say the least, most unpleasant..). I find it romantic, and somewhat intriguing. I'm just glad I'm not being pulled in by the commercials. "No!" I shout, "For the last time, my honey ain't getting diamonds on the 14th!".

Truth be told I don't own a TV, so the commercials don't get to me that much. But even if they did, and even if I was dating someone, it'd be a pretty cheap gift this year let me tell you. Probably an empty box of chocolates with a piece of recycled paper inside masquerading as an 'I wuv woo' Hallmark card... - drawn in pencil.
Why have the Ebeneezer floodgates been flung open (or frugally been bolted shut, depending on the way you look at it) you ask? Well on the 5th of next month I head to Sveeden with a friend of mine for two weeks. (Yes! Almost as long as I was home for over Christmas.. ;) ) To say I'm super excited would be an understatement. I've never been to Europe, so visiting Stockholm - the land of Blondes, and London - the land of.. (- I'll leave that to your imagination) will be two big check-marks off my international to-do list. Plus, any vacation is a good vacation.

But the big question of course, is why Troy and I are heading there at all? Well we're off to go attend Melodifestivalen 2008 (Fig A - Right). Indeed, only once a year is this many European popstars, groupies and wind-machine-loving vocalists smooshed into an oversized golf-ball (Fig B). I don't actually mind that fact really. From what I've seen the sets on this show are going to be pretty epic, and the music and performances will be hella fun. The only possible downside is the repeated beating my bank account will suffer during the time abroad, thus the frugality. (I did not know that was a word until I looked it up just now..)
Troy I know will be great fun. He has this ability to make anything entertaining, which is a wonderful gift to have in any case, he basically arranged everything (I chose the tea-cosy we're using in the backpacker's I might add) which is another big plus.

Anyway, as I gear up to leave, I've also got to be gearing up for someone to stay. At my place that is. Yes, I'd love to find a room-mate before I leave. Someone who can watch the place while I'm off shakin' my ya-ya's (which is *not* a vulgar term thank you..), someone who can sweep, and take phonecalls, and get groceries. Actually I think I'm thinking of a monkey, but a roommate will certainly be well received in any case.
So, who will answer the call? Seriously my cell is ringing, who's gonna answer that - I'm blogging..
Oh right, no roommate yet. Cheers all!

Jimzip :D

7 thoughts are now mine:

Ed said...

Melodifestivalen, or secret flamboyant Transformers worshipers?

I'll let the throngs of blog viewers be the judge.

- ES

Luke said...

Hmm, 2 nights at philip Island compared to 2 weeks in sweeden... you win this round James... this round...

Hope you have an awesome time at the gay transformers festival.

Oh, and I'm starting a letter writing campaign to the UN to get you a TV. It's just basic human rights.

PS. Get the monkey! Get the monkey!

Jimzip said...

Haha, that's awesome.
Sevy: I somehow knew you'd leap on that with the force of a thousand coffee-fueled jungle monkeys. Funny thing is when I first saw the logo I thought exactly the same thing!
Luke: You should come with! I should have given you advance notice, can you imagine how much fun that would have been!? Haha, given the music isn't my usual taste, and it certainly isn't yours I suppose, but the trip in general would be amazing!

Actually, I think we should organise a huge holiday one time.
Like, 12 of us all staying in Hawaii for two weeks or something, that would be amazing, and totally doable! Whaddya say Sevy? Luke? 2010? I really should get out of Vancouver for the fake Olympics anyway. ;) (I kidd I kidd! I heart the Winter Games!)

Jimzip :D

Luke said...

Oh a huge holiday does sound fun (savings be damned!) Hmmm, but where to invade first...

Jimzip said...

Something to ponder for sure...

Jimzip :D

Dale said...

I think we're over-looking the main issue here - you knew a guy called Valentine! "Won't you be my Valentine?" could be said all year round (to him) by throngs of adorers (of which it sounds like he has none).

Also, tea-cosy! Tea-cosy! :)

Dale said...

p.s. have fun in Sveeden (and that is so the only way to say it).


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