Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Peace n' Love

Vancouver is a city of hippies - just an observation I've made. Whether I'm glancing quizzically at a bunch of colourful, flower-filled paintings at the local cafe, sitting next to a 50-something guy with orange glasses and a leather jacket on the bus, or walking past one of the many community garden projects in the city, I can't help feel that this place was built on good old peace n' love - and of course, that's not a bad thing. I think there's many factors as to why this city feels so relaxing and the people are so friendly, (even if those laughably antiquated notions are gone) the scenery is one of them, hippies is another.

Unfortunately, as will happen with all big cities, as they get bigger, so do their problems. From the outside Vancouver looks especially inviting. The snowfields, parks, beaches and the social lifestyle would appeal to anyone, and these things are certainly a part of why I love this place so much, they're all very much a reality. The problems include poverty, so bad that the downtown eastside is basically a no-go zone for anyone not wishing to be swamped by homeless people, the minimum wage, and a distinct lack of hair net wearing-17 year old Spanish flamenco dancers.
As the Olympics in 2010 creep closer, I can't help but wonder what's going to happen to all these people who live on the streets of the city. Most came here either to escape the brutal cold of the Canadian interior, or were put here by third parties needing more space to build condos or empty psychiatric hospitals. I'm not even joking there, a good deal of the homeless people here were booted out of the local psych hospital around 6-7 years ago when the provincial government decided it needed to save some cash. Owie.

The city therefore has two very distinct faces. Like the comic-book villain, one side is friendly enough, the other side is distorted and just plain creepy, but also quite melancholy. If Gotham wasn't as... gothic, and was a lot smaller, and was basically a completely different city, it would be Vancouver. Ok bad analogy.. But I'm honestly not sure how the city will go about fixing this problem. I suppose in time these things are rectified, but it's painful to watch. Like many things you wish were fixed, you just don't find the time to step in, or you feel that even if you did, nothing would be done. For now I'm quite busy enough with my search for the aforementioned Spanish flamenco dancers, but from an outsider's perspective, one who's now living in this city, it feels to me like what's missing is nothing more then good ole peace n' love.

Jimzip :D

6 thoughts are now mine:

Luke said...

This will drive you crazy, but I pass like 20 Spanish flamenco dancers on my way to work every day...

Actually, I was all surprised when I read that Canada had the 2010 Olympics, but then I realised it was just the fake Olympics no one cares about. I mean, cross-country skiing & shooting... that's not a sport! A survival skill, maybe, but a sport?

On the upside, cities tend to try to hide their homeless when lots of people come to visit, so maybe they'll all be hidden away in 5-star hotels while the 'Olympics' are on. :)

Jimzip said...

Send them my way!! Heheh.
And I laughed very much when I heard that, I didn't even know there was a Winter Olympics when I first arrived here, but apparently I was not only uninformed, but I learnt that the Summer Olympics (the games we know and love) are very much second tier over here! I know, the Winter Games are much more popular in a place that's snowy for 1/4 the year - absurd! Cheers Lukr!

Jimzip :D

Jimzip said...

Oh and Lukr is like the Flickr of all people named Luke btw.. I - don't know how that works. o_O

Jimzip :D

nic el guapa said...


p.s. drink 1800 Tequila...

p.p.s. drink licor 43...

p.p.p.s. my head hurts, maybe it was all that tequila and spanish liqour...

Jimzip said...

That's.... different!

Jimzip :D

Ed said...

Wow... thought I'd let you know I was keeping up with the blog and... and that Bean must have been pretty darn drunk when he posted that. Wow.


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